Bush, Calderon say Mexico growth could stop illegals
By David R. Sands
Economists and oilmen alike say the issue of Pemex -- and the central place it holds in
Both Mr. Bush and Mr. Calderon strongly endorsed the idea that domestic growth in
Mr. Calderon gave a personal illustration of the scope of the problem in his press conference with Mr. Bush, acknowledging that he himself has close relatives who have gone to the
"We can truly stop [illegal] migration by building a kilometer of highway in [southern Mexico] than by building 10 kilometers of walls on the U.S.-Mexico border," the Mexican president said Tuesday at the outset of Mr. Bush's Mexico stay.
Pemex, a state-owned monopoly since 1938 and an indispensable source of revenue for government coffers, faces increasing cost and investment problems in a harshly competitive global oil market.
Labels: Illegal Invasion, Mexico's Economy, U.S. - Mexico relations
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