News From the Border

Providing the news from a different front but from a war that we must win as well! I recognize the poverty and desperate conditions that many Latinos live in. We, as the USA, have a responsibility to do as much as we can to reach out to aid and assist spiritually with the Gospel and naturally with training, technology and resources. But poverty gives no one the right to break the laws of another sovereign nation.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Security remains tight at Thomason

By Tammy Fonce-Olivas / El Paso Times
Article Launched: 02/02/2008 12:00:00 AM MST

Law enforcement officers armed with high-powered rifles continued to guard Thomason Hospital on Friday, more than a week after a Mexican police commander was admitted into the hospital's intensive care unit.

Cmdr. Fernando Lozano Sandoval of the Chihuahua State Investigations Agency was transferred to Thomason from a Juárez hospital on Jan. 22. He remains in ICU and his condition is not public record, officials said.

"Heightened security measures implemented last week when a critically injured officer of the Chihuahua state police department was brought to Thomason's Level 1 Trauma Center remain in place, so I can't say it's 'business as usual' at the hospital," Thomason CEO Jim Valenti wrote in his weekly letter released Friday.

"But I am happy to report that access to our facility is now more convenient for patients and visitors."

When Lozano Sandoval was admitted to the hospital, the hospital forced all visitors to enter and exit through the emergency room, which has a metal detector by the doors.

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